
Big Data, Hadoop, Audit and Risk Considerations

(Word Cloud Designed by Haoning Richter using R Language on June 7, 2018) Big Data, Hadoop, Audit and Risk Considerations For the past 10 years, Big Data has been one of the most discussed Phenomena and business challenges in many organizations in the world.  However, it has not been discussed much [...]

Reviewer for IAPP training materials

From January through April 2017, I volunteered as a Language Reviewer for International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) training materials in privacy and information protection (such as GDPR). On May 17, 2018, I received certification of appreciation and written recognition from Tory Elizabeth Bell, J.D., Director of International Operations. “On behalf [...]

Why did I start blogging?

I started this blog in an effort to share a bit of my journey and passion for changes in the audit and compliance world. I have three goals for this blog. To motivate my continuing learning and to sharpen my critical thinking skills. To inspire others, encou